One of the very cornerstones of a successful private label business is a product supplier that you can trust. There are several different options available to you, with manufacturers from China being among the more popular choices. As you know, we take a group with us to the Canton Fair in Guangzhou every April, but that’s not the only city that offers a chance to meet suppliers.
Many private labelers have tried to meet suppliers in Yiwu, and some have had success. We do not, however, recommend going to Yiwu for your private labeling needs, unless you have years of experience traveling to China and several strong relationships with manufacturers and suppliers already in place. Here are some reasons you may want to avoid Yiwu, at least until you have the experience you need to navigate the fair.
Reputation for Low Quality
It’s unfortunate, but Yiwu has developed a reputation for providing counterfeit and “knock-off” products to large consumer countries. This means you could end up dealing with trademark issues, even if you’re planning to put your own label on a product you procure in China–especially if you inadvertently choose an item that has been copied from a famous designer.
Because of this reputation, many large countries have imposed a trade ban on manufacturers that practice counterfeiting. You could end up striking a deal with a company that can’t ship products to you, without you ever knowing until it’s too late.
Disreputable Sellers
Also unfortunate, many of the sellers in Yiwu have developed a bad reputation for tricky practices. Some will pose as factory owners, take an order from you for a product, and then begin finding a factory to fill the order. This means you could suffer serious delays or even discover that your order can’t be filled at all.
Even worse, some of these stall renters at the Yiwu fair will simply never contact you again after promising that you will receive your order. This, of course, can lead to a nightmare if you’re just starting out with your private labeling business.
Difficulty Completing Business
Where you’re likely to struggle the most in Yiwu is with the lack of English-speaking vendors. There are tour guides in local hotels, but many will require a commission of your sales in return for their services. Even still, you may not be able to trust that they will bargain in your favor.
The truth is that Yiwu is difficult for even the most seasoned of private labelers to navigate. That’s why Private Label University focuses our efforts on our yearly trip to the Canton Fair instead.
Rather than struggle through the potential pitfalls, wouldn’t you rather travel with a group of like-minded business owners, safe with the experience of our thirty-five years beside you at all times? Our staff will always be with you at the Canton Fair, helping you to avoid some of the tricky deals that Yiwu has become notorious for. Our guides are also native speakers, so you don’t have to worry about anything getting lost in translation.
Take it from us: If you want to source your products in China, there really is no better option available. Just be sure to go with us to the Canton Fair. We’ll help you find the success you deserve.
Register now to go with us in April! There are only a couple of spots left. If you don’t get registered in time, don’t worry. We can add you to the wait list.