Chinese Holiday Calendar

7 Tips When Shipping Products from China to the US

Sourcing products from China is a luxury and so easy to do if you are well equipped with the right tools.  Yes, many products are made in China and the growing popularity to find products to add to your business is essential to business growth.  But there are some things you need to be aware of before you just purchase and start shipping products from China to the US from Alibaba or anywhere in China

Canton Fair in Guangzhou

Sourcing Products From China: Where Do I Find Suppliers?

When starting or building your private label company, you may consider sourcing your products one of your biggest challenges or obstacles. Of course, there are some well-known—perhaps even popular—sourcing choices that many business owners use, such as Alibaba and AliExpress. Both are Chinese-based companies that sell retail goods online, which private labelers can then resell…